October 21, 2024

Whatsapp chattingThe modern era causes variation of chat increasing. Not just face to face directly, or video call using sophisticated smartphones, by using messenger applications, for example, we as social beings who thirst for technological developments will continue to be tempted by the wide variety of messenger applications. One of the most famous applications is WhatsApp. This application allows us to be able to chat or exchange SMS messages at no cost because WhatsApp uses the same internet data packets for email, browsing, and others. By using WhatsApp, we can also share files, exchange photos and videos even recently WhatsApp provided telephony features. Besides having a chat feature that allows us to interact with others through personal networks, Whatsapp group also provides a feature of a space for some people to chat each other in the same room as well as placing personal Whatsapp status.

Group chat feature in Whatsapp does not have approval process, so if we get a call from a group then we will immediately be a part of the group without approval. Sometimes this phenomenon led to the release of a person from the chat group. You need to know, Whatsapp does not provide out feature without being visible to others, so if someone out of the group then a notification will appear. The notification indicates someone who came out of the conversation so that all those who are members of the group will know the identity of the withdrawing member.

Anti social factor will always be there but sometimes someone would get annoyed as the group notification can appear anytime on his phone. This social phenomenon occurred because we had a variety of different personalities in addition the rapid advancement of technology development could make us overly sensitive to some things.

There are several factors behind someone decides to get out of the a Whatsapp group including the chatter that occurs continuously so that decreasing the concentration on the job even though he has busy Whatsapp status in the status bar, but it is not very useful if he bounded as a member of a group chat.

Second factor is smartphone’s capacity. This factor also needs to be considered because there are some smartphones that cannot accommodate a lot of photos and videos that spread through the group. The third factor is the ignorance of much chatter in the group. It is usually experienced by a woman in the middle of a group that has many men as members where they often talk about things that are closely related to the lives of men such as automotive, fitness, and so forth. Settlement of this problem is to talk frankly with our friends if we feel uncomfortable and of course they will understand if we speak well.

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