March 27, 2025

Industrial mixers take independent components and blend them into one homogenous mixture. When working with industrial equipment, it is important to choose the right tool for the job. Errors in equipment selection can ruin the equipment, the mix, and the job. Here are three things to consider when selecting the right fluidizer for your industrial needs. 


Just like any job, personal or professional, one is generally always working within both time and budget constraints. Industrial mixers can vary widely in cost and performance so it is important to select the equipment that will be the most practical. Industrial mixers are not always as expensive as you might think; however, some places don’t include shipping or assembly, which can rack up costs. Make sure you’re aware of what is and isn’t included in the cost and add in any extras when factoring in the budget. 

Type and Functionality

A mixer isn’t always a mixer. A fluidizer blender performs differently than a rotary or jacketed blender. In addition, batch blenders yield smaller results than continuous blenders. Each of these methods and feature have their unique pros and cons, which vary depending on the job you need to be completed. It is important to understand the size of the mix you need to yield and what type of mix requires which blender. 

Ask the Pros

It’s okay to shop around for this type of purchase. You can do some research online, look at product reviews, talk to resellers, and ask questions to people you trust. A blender is an investment and should provide practical results for years to come. There are many products out there so don’t be afraid to ask people what their experience has been and what they prefer. 

Industrial mixers are an investment and should be chosen wisely. Understand your budget and what your equipment requirements are before purchasing. Choosing wisely will yield a positive return on your investment. 

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